Page 10 - AKL_Brosch_InnovationAward20_22
P. 10
_Dr. Maik Frede (Team Representative)
_Dr. Oliver Puncken
_Dr. Thomas Binhammer
neoLASE GmbH, Hannover
laser head
> neoMOS “SMAART” concept
Enabling new laser material applications by flexible use of short pulsed
TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT lasers is the philosophy of the neoMOS “SMAART” system. The laser design
is based on an integrated and interchangeable ultra-short pulsed laser
The neoMOS “SMAART” is an ultra-short pulsed laser with nano- to that offer pulse durations from nano- to femtoseconds or a combination of
femtosecond pulse durations from the same platform. Based on a novel pulse durations to be used in the same process. This for example allows
amplifier technology the system allows high pulse energies over a wide a high energy pico- or nanosecond process for high material removal,
range of different pulse durations. Combined to a modular MOPA platform followed by a femtosecond “polishing” process. The technical advantage
the “open source” philosophy enables to change only one part of the laser to new applications and unknown flexibility is the way to further push
(seeder) to set up complete new laser parameters. Different seed lasers short pulsed laser technology into industrial laser machining applications.
will enable the change of pulse durations, repetition rates or pulse shapes. Europe’s manufacturing industry will benefit from this unique laser
With an external pulse compression module pulse durations down to 100 fs technology while the reduction of investment risk, upgradeability and self-
can be offered. service are self-explaining advantages for a “SMAART” laser concept.