Page 3 - AKL_Brosch_InnovationAward20_22
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                                                          Dear Participants in the Ceremony for the Innovation Award Laser Technology 2020 and 2022,

                                                          What drives people to innovative excellence in our   By bestowing the Innovation Award Laser Techno-
                                                          institutions and companies? Is it the desire to solve   logy, we intend to distinguish exactly those innova-
                                                          a given task as optimally as possible using the latest   tors who have pursued an invention, from research
                                                          technology? The inherent power of the engineer to   through development to the market launch, within
                                                          constantly improve the status quo?  Internal corpo-  the field of production-oriented laser technology.
                                                          rate goals? External competition? Is it the convic-
                                                          tion of providing people with better liv ing conditions   Thanks  to their  innovative efforts each  of the
                                                          thanks to innovative developments? Or is it the pure   three finalist teams of the Innovation Award Laser
                                                          ambition of many technology experts? Probably   Techno logy 2020 and three finalist teams of the
                                                          there is a combination of a bit of everything.   Innovation Award Laser Technology 2022 has
                                                                                                            contributed significantly to the advancement of
                                                          Innovators are usually self-motivated and ex-   science and technology. They deserve our thanks
                                                          ceptionally effective people who  use  their  crea-  and  recognition. Finally, we would like to thank the
                                                          tivity, skills and will to transform new ideas into   jury members for their commitment to the assess-
                                                          specific products, tools, processes and services.     ment process and wish you many inspiring ideas
                                                          And yet, in highly advanced fields such as laser   for your own developments.
                                                          technology, the expertise and the equipment of
                                                          a single expert rarely suffices to convert an idea   Dr. Alexander Olowinsky
                                                          into practice. More often, through the interaction   Chairman of the European Laser Institute e.V.
                                                          of several experts in a well-coordinated team, do
                                                          relevant developments occur. When the invention   Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Berners
                                                          is rewarded because the market responds posi-   Chairman of the Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V.
                                                          tively, the innovation has succeeded.

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